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Professional Training Events

Enhance your practice

Take your practice to the next level with hands-on intensive training with Tien Kuei, behavioural therapy specialist, certified FAP trainer and our CEO.

Throughout the year, Power to Live run training on behavioural treatment and strategies. In the same way that we want our treatment to be life changing for the client, Power to Live training is a life-changing experience for all those who attend.

Find out more about our upcoming training below.

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Feedback From Attendees

At the professional level, the training has made me much more aware of how a client's patterns are showing up in the room, and has made me more confident in drawing attention to how CRB1s may be showing up in the context of the therapeutic relationship. It's also made me think more about how I can encourage the client to generalize in-session behaviours. It's also made me more aware of some of my own T1s.

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